
Junior Secondary


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​To deliver upon the dreams and aspirations of our students, the curriculum in years 8 and 9 provide the learning outcomes essential for our learners to graduate successfully into our senior phase of learning and thereafter the world of work. The foundation curriculum at Years 7, 8 and 9 is delivered through the eight key learning areas: English, Maths, Science, Health and Physical Education, Studies of Society and Environment, LOTE, Technology and The Arts.

Years 7, 8 and 9​

Business Enterprises, Chinese, Dance, Drama, English (Extension, Core, Life Skills, Support), Geography, Health and Physical Education, History, Science, Spanish, Maths (Extension, Core, Life Skills, Support), Music, Studies of Society and Environment, Visual Art and Creative Industries, Healthy Mind Healthy Bodies, Business Information Technology, Construct IT, Creating with Textiles, Designing for the Real World, Food Technology.


Regular reporting and assessm​​ent is an important part of the learning process as it allows for reflection on achievement and skill development. The assessment used within the curriculum at our school is established in our accredited work programs. Formative and summative assessment is used to develop high quality student outcomes.

Assessment Dates

For summative assessment tasks students will have eight weeks prior notice. These assessment tasks will be set at the start of each term. The assessment dates for the various subjects are available for student perusal and printing on our school intranet.

Submission of Assignments

All written assignments are to be submitted on the due date as outlined by each subject department.

Students who are absent on the due date must submit a letter of explanation and the assignment to the HOD upon their return to school.

The school assessment policy can be found in the student diary.

Extensions to assignment deadlines can only be granted by the respective head of department.

All students must complete all assessment elements of their course or they may be required to undertake an interview with the school management staff.


At the end of first and third term, interim reports with a coded grade system about effort and behaviour are sent home. At the end of each semester more detailed reports are issued. These reports are based on tests, assignments, attitude to learning and effort.

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Parent-teacher interviews are scheduled early in terms two and three to allow parents to discuss the learning progress of their children with their respective subject teachers.

Parents are also most welcome to contact their child’s phoenix and subject teachers or members of the administration team outside the scheduled times. 

Year 9 SETP Interviews for Year 10 2025 Subject Selections

Wednesday, 28 August 2024, 7am - 7pm


The 30 minute SETP interviews will be taking place in the Library. Parent/carer and student must both be in attendance. Students are to attend in full school uniform.

PLEASE NOTE: No Year 9 classes will be running on this day, students only attend for their interview.

Last reviewed 27 February 2025
Last updated 27 February 2025