
Specialist Summit Programs


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Specialised programs are offered to students who demonstrate high level skills and abilities in their area of interest. We value every student’s contribution to our school, and seek to have each individual student exit our school feeling that they have been challenged, nurtured and influenced by our community that values life-long learning.​​

Summit Programs​


These programs are available to students in Years 7-9 with talents in the areas of academics, dance, music and sport. Students apply for a place in the Summit program when enrolling in Year 7. The Summit Programs offer additional excursions, guest speakers and a curriculum with learning experiences suited to the needs of more capable students. A laptop is integral to the academic program.


STEAM Academy (Science, Technology, Enterprise, the Arts and Mathematics) education and skills development play an important role in our educational vision for the future. Fostering education in these areas ensures that today’s students can generate and test new ideas and contribute to the scientific developments and innovations of tomorrow. Increasing society’s capacity in this area will also contribute to job creation and provide solutions to social concerns such as medical, environmental and engineering breakthroughs. Authentic learning is an important foundation of the STEAM Academy and is enhanced by links with industry and tertiary partners; these real-life contexts will assist students with career choices.

The Spark - Our specialised Makerspace offers students unique learning experiences by providing industry standard manufacturing tools. It is a space open to students during, before and after class time to create, design and build their own projects. 3D printers, 3D Scanner , CNC milling machines, laser cutter, soldering stations, robotics kits and Virtual Reality development tools are just some of the technologies available for use in The Spark, transforming learning from a traditional theoretical approach to an innovative, interactive experience while students learn 21st century skills.

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Summit Sport is about developing an attitude and mindset to do the extra that others choose not to. Students will participate in a wide variety of physical performance activities designed to promote improvement of specific physical / mental capacities and attributes, test and improve personal fitness levels, build team work and communication skills. Physical performance activities will utilise facilities within the school and the local community in order to provide exciting challenges for students. Key theoretical concepts relating to exercise science, biomechanics, sports psychology and sports nutrition will be incorporated into the physical performance activities to promote understanding about why things are done in specific ways to optimise peak performance.


Academic Summit students are the storytellers of our future. The innovative academic curriculum embeds the 21st Century skills to support the students in becoming astute observers of the world, deep thinkers, excellent communicators and collaborators. The curriculum seeks to maximise student learning by fostering a higher order and critical thinking approach to deep learning and accelerate their understanding of the world around them; including social, political and environmental issues. 

Based in the four key areas of learning (English, Humanities, Science and Maths) learning experiences for Summit Academics promote leadership, self-confidence and problem solving while also developing a student’s ability to 

​​discerningly interpret and analyse texts and data, solve complex problems and hypothesise and conduct experiments of science in laboratories.

Students will be nurtured by our expert teachers as well as supported and encouraged to participate in a range of extracurricular activities which endeavour to test their skills against their peers in new and different settings. 

The program provides academically talented students every opportunity to push beyond their perceived boundaries and reach their summit. 


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The Selective Entry Dance Summit Program engages students in a dynamic course that focuses on practical activities relating to the dance industry, consequently developing a strong technical foundation across a broad spectrum of dance. Students are challenged and motivated to increase flexibility, technique, fitness conditioning and musicality. The program has an increased emphasis on developing students’ choreography skills, industry awareness and professionalism. Across the three-year course, students study a variety of genres of dance including Jazz, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Aerial Arts and World dance. In our specially built training studio complete with sprung floor, Summit students are offered workshops with renowned choreographers throughout their course of study. 

The Summit program is also the only Australian High School to be affiliated with the Australasian Dance Association (ADA) in Summit, students learn an industry recognised jazz syllabus and complete levelled examinations each year as an extension to their dance training beyond the classroom


Music Summit is an inspiring program for young people with a demonstrated passion and commitment to Music. Leveraging the talent of each individual, Summit music students are extended in their skills and repertoire, exploring units of study including; 20th Century music, Music in Film & Video Games and Popular Music production whilst also forming a critical part of the ensembles of Instrumental Music. 

Extension programs and extracurricular activities within this realm also facilitate students the opportunity to stretch their talents and link with recognised Music professionals and artists. Summit Music balances talent and passion within an environment of academia and high expectations.

Our strong Instrumental Music programme with Orchestra and Band benefits from a once a year learning experience from our Music Patron, renowned Australian conductor, composer and orchestrator, George Ellis.


The Selective Entry Triple Threat Summit Program is a dynamic course that focuses on practical activities relating to the musical theatre industry, consequently allowing students to develop a strong technical foundation across a broad spectrum of performance genres and styles.

This production course prepares students for industry opportunities as they are trained in the three discipline areas of dance, drama and singing. Students are challenged and motivated to extend their skills in these three performance areas as they learn to work as an ensemble creating and directing various musical theatre performances throughout the course. They will learn the technical craft of backstage and production skills also with an emphasis on developing their industry awareness and professionalism. Across the three-year course, students study a variety of genres of musical theatre ranging from modern adaptations to traditional styles. The Triple Threat Summit students will be offered workshops with renowned choreographers and directors throughout their course of study and will have the opportunity to travel and see live productions in action. 


Last reviewed 28 January 2025
Last updated 28 January 2025